Employment First KY - Proclamation of Collaboration

Proclamation of Collaboration

Let it be known that, we, Kentucky agencies and organizations that strive to improve quality of life and increase economic self-sufficiency for Kentuckians with disabilities, commit to work together to attain these goals.

Given the signing of the Executive Order making Kentucky an Employment First state in which it is the policy of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that competitive and integrated employment in the community shall be considered the first and primary option for persons with disabilities of working age who want to become employed, we recognize that there are opportunities in the Commonwealth that have been previously unavailable and that by acting together, we have a greater likelihood of advancing sustainable positive change.

Given that the experience of disability is multi faceted and individualized, and further that there are a variety of issues, both systemic and instilled in our culture that exclude individuals with disabilities from competitive and integrated work in the community, we recognize that an interagency and cooperative approach is necessary to make progress.

Given that the pathways to many careers begin in early childhood, we further recognize the importance of engaging families, and professionals in education and medicine as early as possible.

Given that people with disabilities also face challenges related to retention and advancement in the workplace, we recognize the value of educating employers and healthcare systems in the value of keeping, developing, and promoting people with disabilities in employment. 

In the spirit of cooperation, we collectively commit to collaborate on identifying barriers and solutions that will further support development of a Kentucky workforce that is inclusive of ALL persons. 

Proclamation of Collaboration Endorsement Form


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